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Welcome to Bramley Class.

We are looking forward to a great year of learning.

The adults working in Year 3 are:

Class Teachers 

Mrs E Parker (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, plus alternate Mondays beginning 8th January 2024) 
Mrs N Harrison (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)

Mrs Booker, Miss Sands, Mrs Brown - Teaching Assistants

Mrs Phillips - Intervention Teaching Assistant


Useful information:

  • PE lessons take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Children will need to bring in a full PE kit for these lessons to change into.
  • Please read with your child everyday and sign the reading record book daily, they will be rewarded for this in school.
  • Water bottles to be brought into school daily containing water only.


Term 6 

History: Ancient Greece 
Geography: Greece
Science: Earth and Space  

Term 5 
Science: Biology
Animals including Humans

Spellings to practice

Fable Role Play

Art day: Drawing! We drew a self-portrait and used cross hatching to add detail

Term 4 

Computing, Design Technology and Music

World Book Day; Where's Wally? Reading can take you places...

We all had great fun on World Book Day celebrating lots of different books, and really enjoyed reading to reception class. They shared their phonics books, which gave us the oppourtunity to help. 

Stories from another Culture

This term we have discovered features of Folktales and read the following stories: 
- The Little Red Hen (which we wrote a synopsis of.) 
- The Tiger Child (which we re-told through drama.)

- Rama and Sita (which we retold in our own words, and used to structure our masterpiece of turning a traditional tale into a folk tale.)

Design Technology

In Design Technology we learnt a new skill in sewing. We learnt how to cross-stich and used our prior skills of a running stick to appliqué. We are all very proud of our final cushions we made using felt. 

Term 3

Science: Light 

Science Investigations 

It has been a very busy science term!

  • We now know that dark is the absence of light, and that there are many positives about natural and man-made light sources. 
  • We have tested reflective materials, and used our results to design a book bag to keep us safe.
  • Wound out how shadows are formed and how they change
  • We have started to investigate the dangers of the sun, and will discover our results after half term with long term exposure. 
  • We have explored how light travels, and know now that it will only ever travel in a straight line. 

Shakespeare Workshop

The children had a memorable experience learning and reciting the very famous chant from Shakespeare's play, Macbeth. 


Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog...

Bysing Wood is 50!

Term 1 - Maths

We've had 8 2 9 9 2 Visitors