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Meet the Governors

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards, by supporting and challenging school leaders.

Our governing body consists of 10 members and is supported by the clerk.

The purpose of the clerk’s role is to:

• Provide advice to the governing body on governance, constitutional and procedural matters.
• Provide effective administrative support to the governing body and its committees.
• Ensure the governing body is properly constituted.
• Manage information effectively in accordance with legal requirements.


Our governance is at two levels - the board of Trustees (follow the link below for more detail) and the Local Governing Board to whom there is a huge amount of delegation.


EKC Schools Trust governance information


The composition of the LGB and their responsibilities for 2024-25 is outlined below.


Governor type: Co-opted

Governor name: Dan Corcoran

Responsibilities: Monitoring Behaviour & Attitudes/Attendance, Safeguarding - monitoring & filtering

Term of office until: 20/1/2025


Governor type: Co-opted

Governor name: Tracey Cripps

Responsibilities:  Monitoring Quality of Education & Pupil Premium strategy

Term of office until: 11/1/2027


Governor type: Co-opted

Governor name: Maria Beaney

Responsibilities: Vice- chair, monitoring Quality of Education & Pupil Premium strategy, Finance & Headteacher performance management

Term of office until: 28/2/2028


Governor type: Co-opted

Governor name: Neala Whybrow

Responsibilities:  Co-Chair, monitoring Quality of Education SEND, Safeguarding, Finance

Term of office until: 3/4/2025


Governor type: Co-opted

Governor name: Vacancy


Term of office until:


Governor type: Parent

Governor name: Dr Paul Found

Responsibilities: Health & Safety, monitoring Quality of Education

Term of office until: 1/9/2027


Governor type: Parent

Governor name:Clara Colbourne

Responsibilities:  Co-Chair co-ordinating monitoring, monitoring Quality of Education, SEND

Term of office until: 18/5/2025


Governor type: Co-opted

Governor name: Lizzie Williams

Responsibilities: monitoring Quality of Education, SEND

Term of office until: 17/1/2028


Governor type: Staff

Governor name: Justine Hopkins

Responsibilities: monitoring Behaviour & Attitudes

Term of office until: 28/2/2028


Governor type: Headteacher

Governor name: Andrew Harrison


Clerk to the governors:

Claire Edgeworth


If you would like to speak to any of our Governors, please do not hesitate to contact them via the school office or use the contact form below to e-mail the clerk, who will contact the relevant governor. The Chair of Governors can also be contacted in writing using the school postal address.

Clerk contact form

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