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Jack and the beanstalk story writing

Power Maths - exploring AB ABC and AAB Patterns using a range of manipulatives

World Book Day! Where's Wally???

Monster Milkshakes! We helped Miss Gray measure the monster milkshakes in maths.

Measuring in Maths! Height, length, weight and volume!

Term 4! People who help us

Maths fun! Taking our learning outside to practice the part-whole model

Chinese New Year activities!

Bird watching week! - We got messy making our own bird feeders. Everyone hung their feeder on a tree in the garden and waited for the birds.

Topic- Hot and cold. We have been looking at penguins!

Welcome to Term 3! We started this term with two Art Days. We painted butterflies inspired by Eric Carle.

Christmas! Nativity, Forest school, Tree decorating, and letters to Santa.

Diwali celebrations! We used clay to create Diya lamps, and decorated cookies with Rangoli patterns.

Learning our 2D and 3D shapes!

Fireworks!! We used different mark making techniques to create colourful paintings.

Term 2: Welcome to P.E. We are learning to move our bodies safely using different apparatus!

Happy Halloween- Disco fun, rice krispie pumpkins and a spider scavenger hunt!

Maths mad! We have been counting up to 5 using buckets, leaves, numberblocks and more!

Topic for Term 1: Me, Myself, I. We painted self portraits and talked about how we are similar/different from our friends.

We are learning to look after our teeth.

Essential letters and sounds Information for Parents

Sounds we are learning, try and say them at home.

Harder to read words

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