Home Page


Welcome to Jupiter's Class Page

Check here for useful class information and photographs of the children's learning achievements! laugh


Class adults:

Mrs Harmer - Class Teacher

Miss Seager - Teaching Assistant


Independent Learning/Homework:

Please ensure your child is heard reading at home every day and that you sign and date their reading record book. Their reading book and reading record book must come into school every day to be checked.

We will have 20 termly spellings that your child need to practice as we will have a test at the end of each term. Your child has a school Google account, they have a username and password which will allow them to access our Google Classroom at home to complete any independent learning set for them.



Our P.E sessions will be on Fridays this term, please ensure your child wears their full P.E uniform to school each Friday (Please read the Term 1 Curriculum letter carefully for full P.E uniform details - see below).


Forest School:

No Forest School this term - we will have our sessions at a later date in the year, watch this space for more information


Pencil Cases & Stationery:

Your child may bring in a small, empty pencil case to school. They do not need any stationery equipment from home, we will supply all equipment needed for their learning. 

Curriculum Letters 2024-25

Jupiter Class School Councillors - Eliza and Shakil

Geography - Using Google Earth to locate Faversham, Swale, Kent, South East England, England, UK and Europe

Arts Days: Painting Colour - Varying tints and shades to create life like colours in the style of Hokusai

Art Days - Artist: Hokusai - Painting Final Artwork varying tints and shades to make colour look life-like

Art Days - Artist: Hokusai - Exploring paint mediums

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