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Welcome to Jupiter Class 

We would like to welcome you to Year 6 and the Jupiter team;


Class Teachers: Ms Marsh, Mrs Harmer and Mrs Kirkness

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Andrews and Mr Grainger


Please read the termly curriculum letters to find out what we will be learning about 

PE: Tuesday & Wednesday

Forest School: Thursday morning




    Jupiter Class School Councillors: Millie and Nathan

    TERM 6 

    TERM 6 


    This term in Jupiter Class we will be spending a considerable amount of time on preparing the children for their transition into secondary school.  We will have workshops, role-play scenarios, discussions, debates and informal chats whereby we can hopefully answer any questions that may arise.

    Curriculum Subjects:


    Science – evolution and adaptation

    DT – textiles

    RSE- Puberty and the changing body (details about the content for these lessons will be sent out nearer the time)

    Wellbeing – mindfulness and managing change

    Computing – data handling

    PE - Swimming (Tuesdays) and athletics (Wednesdays)

    Forest School - Thursdays

    Music - music days and preparation for the Leaver's production

    Art - Sculpture 

    PE - swimming and athletics


    Music Days Term 6 - Listening to Rapsody in Blue by George Gershwin, making Soundscapes and Learning to play Ode to Joy using handbells

    Art Days - Sculpture - Alberto Giacometti inspired finished sculptures

    Art Days - Sculpture Alberto Giacometti - Creating by shaping, using form, modelling and joining malleable and rigid materials

    Art Days - Sculpture Alberto Giacometti - Creating by shaping, using form, modelling and joining malleable and rigid materials

    Art Days - Sculpture Alberto Giacometti - Exploring using Mod Roc and wire

    Term 5

    Term 5


    Subjects and Learning for Term 5

    During this term we will also be learning about the following:

    Science – Rocks and Fossils

    RE – What do religions say to us when life gets hard?

    Music – Theme and variations (Theme: Pop art)

    PE – Swimming and rounders (not at the same time!!)

    Wellbeing – Healthy body, healthy brain

    RSE – Safety and the changing body

    Writing genres – non-chronological report and newspaper recount

    Class reading book - Skellig by David Almond

    Art Days - Drawing - Creating Accurate Observational Drawings using composition, scale, proportion, foreground, middle and background, inspired by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and artist David Hockney

    Art Days - Drawing - Creating Accurate Observational Drawings Exploring the skills of observational drawing, perspective, composition, scale, proportion, foreground, middle and background

    Art Days - Drawing - exploring using charcoal

    Investigating the permeability of rocks

    Investigating the hardness of rocks

    Term 4 

    Subjects and Learning for Term 4:

    History – The Tudors and the Dissolution of the Monasteries (including an educational visit to Canterbury Cathedral)

    Music – playing the recorder Hot Cross Buns

    PE – Tag Rugby and Netball

    Wellbeing – Resilience 

    RSE – Family and Relationships  

    RE - Is it better to express your beliefs in arts or in charity and generosity?

    DT – structures

    Writing genres – i) narrative with a flashback ii) explanation iii) Big Write – descriptive writing

    Maths lessons daily

    Online safety – collecting evidence in incidents of cyberbullying

    Art Days - Paint - Printing - Final Relief Screen Prints

    Art Days - Paint - Screen Printing Final Design - Layer 1

    Art Days - Paint - Design - Creating Final Template on Acetate

    Art Days - Paint - Explore Screen Printing

    Art Days - Paint - Explore Screen Printing - Making a practice template

    Measuring Faversham Abbey Footprint

    6 Figure Grid References

    World Book Day - Where's Wally? Reading can take you places.

    History - Using secondary sources to create a Tudor family tree and timeline

    Online Safety - Capturing Evidence

    Scholastic Book Fair

    Term 3

    During this term we will be learning about the following:

    RE – What difference does it make to believe in ahimsa, grace and/or Ummah?

    Music – evaluating classical music: Fingal’s Cave composed by Felix Mendelssohn 

    PE – Quicksticks hockey and handball

    Computing – Python Programming

    Wellbeing – Meaning and purpose: What can I be?

    RSE – Economic wellbeing

    Art – Painting and Colour in the style of Hokusai

    Writing genres – narrative poetry; discussion

    Daily Maths lessons

    Class text - Holes by Louis Sachar

    Writing - narrative poems inspired by traditional fairy tales

    Music - reading recorder music

    Computer Programming - Creating shapes using Logo and creating Mondrian inspired art using Python

    Computing - Python programming

    Intra House Competition - New Age Kurling

    Art - Hokusai inspired art work on display

    Art - Colour mixing in the style of Hokusai

    Final piece inspired by the Japanese artist Hokusai.

    Term 2 


    During this term the children will be learning about the following:

    Science – electricity

    DT – electrical systems

    RE – What matters most to Christians and Humanists?

    Wellbeing – People around me: Resolving conflict

    RSE – Health and wellbeing

    PE – gymnastics and cross-country running

    History – Crime and Punishment

    Music – improving recorder playing and techniques

    Maths - daily maths lessons

    Writing – Recounts (police report); science-fiction narrative

    Making Polar Bears for School Entrance Winter Display

    Gymnastics - Counterbalances

    Electricity - Investigating bulb brightness in electrical circuits

    Maths - Pictorial Long Division using Place Value Counters

    Children in Need Day 17th November

    Science - Electricity (Investigating Circuits)

    P.E - Cross Country Running

    Diwali Celebration Lunch 14.11.23

    Happy birthday to Riyah and thanks for the lovely cakes on Friday!

    Polly brought in Christmas cards for the class to send to a special friend in hospital. Thanks Polly!

    Crime & Punishment Workshop - 6.11.23 The Victorians

    Term 2 - Gymnastics - Performing shapes and balancing to make a short sequence

    Term 2 - Neil Tonge Crime & Punishment Workshop: Introduction & Case Scenarios

    TERM 1 

    Term 1 Learning

    Our learning journey for this term will be linked to geography and finding out about the country of Japan. Other subjects will include:


    • Computing – online safety: data handling investigation (focus on weather)
    • Art and Design – Japanese artists; Zentangles – printing 
    • PE – football and basketball
    • Wellbeing – Wonderful Me and Social Media
    • RSE - Citizenship
    • English – writing: stories from other cultures, persuasive holiday brochure
    • Class reading book – Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo
    • Maths – daily lessons

    End of Term 1 Displays

    Japanese Culture Day - Food Tasting; sushi, miso soup, sea weed crisps and Japanese miso rice

    Japanese Culture Day - Trying on a traditional Kimono

    Geography - Measuring distance and places using online maps - Google Earth

    Bikeability Training - carrying out safety checks on our bikes

    Japanese Writing

    1970s Dress Up Day - Catwalk

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