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Maths learning at Bysing Wood:

All pupils will leave our school being lifelong mathematicians, who have passion and enthusiasm for maths as well as the skills, knowledge and deep understanding to be successful at secondary school and beyond.

At Bysing Wood we recognise the importance of maths in our daily lives and how vital it is for the life opportunities of our children. We want all our pupils to have the knowledge and skills to be successful at secondary school and beyond. 

Our aim is for all children to: 

  • Learn the skills of numeracy, geometry and measure that can be used in everyday life and developed later for the specific demands of a particular career.
  • Develop problem-solving and reasoning skills that are so vital in day-to-day life.
  • Develop thinking skills – an invaluable skill in every subject area.
  • Deepen their understanding of maths through the use of concrete objects and vocabulary.
  • Create enthusiastic, inquisitive and articulate lifelong mathematicians who are resilient and reflective.


At Bysing Wood, we follow a mastery approach, our children study mathematics daily following the Power Maths Scheme of Learning. This is a blocked scheme, which allows for depth and breadth of learning within each strand of mathematics.


Our maths curriculum: 


  • rejects the notion that some people simply ‘can’t do’ maths. Instead, it develops growth mindsets and encourages hard work, practice and a willingness to see mistakes as learning tools.
  • builds every concept in small, progressive steps which lead to a solid foundation of deep mathematical understanding.
  • children master concepts one step at a time in lessons that embrace a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, avoiding overload, building on prior learning and helping them to see patterns and connections.
  • same-day intervention ensures sustained progress.



Bysing Wood works closely with the Kent Maths Hub which provides a range of professional development opportunities for teachers and support staff. All members of our staff are committed to continually improving their subject knowledge and understanding of mastery. 


Our maths curriculum is further supported with the DfE accredited NCETM Mastering Number Project in Reception & KS1


Children in Year 2 & all KS2 children have access to a Times-Table Rockstars account which promotes children’s fluency with multiplication and division facts in a fun and interactive way. 


Links are made between Maths and other curriculum subjects when children are encouraged to use their mathematical thinking in cross curricular ways.


Please click on the links below to read about Mastering Number, Times Tables Rock stars and explore Maths in more detail in each year group. 

Click on the links below to find out what your child is learning this term in Maths:

Calculation Policies:


Our calculation policies shows the progression in calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and how this works in line with the National Curriculum. These policies show how the consistent use of the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach helps children develop mastery in both written and mental methods across all the operations in an efficient and reliable way.


Click on the links below to open our calculation policies. 


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