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Curriculum overview

An Overview of the Bysing Wood Primary School Curriculum 


The Bysing Wood curriculum is largely based on the revised National Curriculum which started in September 2014, as well as the Kent RE syllabus. During the school year 2020-21 we reviewed and refined our curriculum into the form it has now, although to be responsive to the changing needs of our pupils we regularly reflect and refine what we do.


  • Our aim is to provide learning experiences that stimulate the interest of our pupils, allow for their questions to be answered and broaden their knowledge of the world. Ultimately, the purpose of our curriculum is to provide pupils with the knowledge and skills to be successful at secondary school and beyond.
  • Each year group has curriculum content which they are responsible for covering over the course of the year.
  • Each term each class has a learning focus which is used as the vehicle for learning and links together different curriculum subjects.
  • Each term has planned written outcomes so the pupils are learning to write in a range of genres and in different formats for varying audiences. These written outcomes will develop over the course of a term and a final copy will be produced for a specific, shared purpose.
  • We aim to have a visit or visitors for each key learning focus.
  • Sometimes there will be a termly title and focus shared by the whole school, at other times the termly title will be shared but linked to different areas in different classes and in some terms there will be totally different learning focus throughout the school.
  • Each classroom will reflect the subjects being studied over the course of a term - we all put huge effort into displays which celebrate what the pupils have produced through their learning.
  • Reception learning is similar to the rest of the school, in that the learning is organised into termly themes linked to the interests of the children, but the aim is to allow pupils to progress to the expected standard of a 'Good Level of Development' by the end of the year.
  • Currently, Year 2 to 6 have Forest School sessions every term of the year - follow the link below for more information. Reception and Year 1 make use of the Forest School site when appropriate to their learning and for special events through the year.
  • Our P.E. lessons make links to the representative sport opportunities, so when a competition is planned for a particular year group they will be covering that sport or activity in P.E. lessons beforehand. This allows us to maximise the identification of those pupils with potential to represent the school.
  • As well as curriculum knowledge, we aim to promote the development of the pupils as learners using the principles of Building Learning Power.
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