Welcome to Year 5 and Spartan Class
Teachers: Ms Marsh (M,T,W and Thursday) and Mrs Mason (Maths all week)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Andrews
We are looking forward to a positive year, full of exciting learning experiences and stimulating enrichment opportunities.
Please read through the curriculum letters to find out about the arrangements for the class.
Reading: children are encouraged to read daily at home and to bring their signed reading records in everyday to be checked by a class adult.
Independent Learning (homework) will be posted onto Spartan Class Google classroom for children to complete the tasks set each term.
Term 3
Subjects and Learning for Term 3
During this term the children will be learning the following:
Science (physics) – Forces
History Project – Faversham on the Front Line 1939-1945
Music – weekly ukulele tuition (Mrs Blake)
PE – Dodgeball, Quicksticks hockey and handball (with Mr Rees)
Focus Days - Art Days, Chinese New Year, Holi lunch, Safer Internet Day (SID)
Writing genres – narrative nonsense poetry (Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll)
Daily Maths lessons
Class Text – Varjak Paw by SF Said
Term 2
Term 2 Learning
During this term the children will be learning about the following:
History – Ancient Egypt
Wellbeing – Being a good friend
RSE – Health and wellbeing
PE – gymnastics; cross-country running; swimming
RE – Diwali
Music – improving ukulele playing and techniques
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) – Spanish
Maths - daily maths lessons – multiplication, division & fractions
Writing – 1) Stories from another culture 2) Debating
Our first subject this year is: Geography. We will be recapping our general knowledge from previous years and building on it with a focus on the continent of Africa. We will be focusing on South Africa in particular and looking at the physical and human geography of this country. Within this term we will also be learning about: