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Welcome to Spartan Class 

We would like to welcome you to Year 5 and the Spartan Team

Class Teacher: Mrs Mason

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Andrews and Mrs Hogan


Please read the Term 6 curriculum letter to find out more about what we will be learning about this term. 

PE: Our PE Days will be Tuesday and Friday. 

Forest School: Thursday afternoon for three weeks.


Term 6 Learning

Our learning this term is focusing on History and Design & Technology. We will be focusing on Ancient Egypt, linking this with the book, “The Egyptian Cinderella”. During history lessons, we will be exploring what life was like in Ancient Egypt. Our Design & Technology sessions will see us designing and creating structures, such as bridges.


Our other learning will be as follows:


What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? – Religious Education (RE)

Athletics and Tennis – Physical Education (PE) Tuesdays and Fridays

Online Safety – Computing

Transition and The Changing Body – Relationships Education (RSE)

Yoga and Relaxation – Well being

Persuasive letters – English

Local fieldwork – Geography

Biome: African Savanna - Science and Geography

Power Maths lessons will take place daily

GPS and RIC will take place three times a week


Term 5 Learning

Our learning this term is focusing on Computing and Science. We will be recapping our computer skills from the previous term and creating stop motion animation. In Science, our focus will be Chemistry, looking at materials and their properties. Within this term we will also be learning about:


What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? – Religious Education (RE)

Kwik Cricket and Rounders – Physical Education (PE) Tuesdays and Fridays

Online Safety – Computing

Economic Wellbeing  – Relationships Education (RSE)

Healthy brain, healthy body – Wellbeing

Adventure stories – English

Festival music – Music

Power Maths lessons will take place daily

GPS and RIC will take place three times a week


Term 4 Learning

Our learning this term is focusing on Computing and Design Technology. We will be recapping our computer skills from previous years and building on it to use Scratch to create music using code. In Design Technology,  we will focus on adapting recipes to make them healthier. Within this term we will also be learning about:


  • What Would Jesus do?’ – Religious Education (RE)
  • Hi 5 Netball and Tag Rugby – Physical Education (PE) Tuesdays and Fridays
  • Online Safety – Computing
  • Citizenship – Relationships Education (RSE)
  • Resilience: Embracing failure. – Wellbeing
  • Play scripts (based on Romeo and Juliet) and debates – English
  • African rhythms – Music
  • Power Maths lessons will take place daily
  • GPS and RIC will take place three times a week


Term 3 Learning

Our third subject this year is: Science. We will be recapping our scientific knowledge from previous years and building on it with a focus on forces such as gravity and air/water resistance. Within this term we will also be learning about:


  • ‘If God is everywhere, why do we have places of worship?’ – Religious Education (RE)
  • Handball and Hockey – Physical Education (PE) Tuesdays and Fridays
  • Online Safety – Computing
  • Health and Wellbeing – Relationships Education (RSE)
  • Meaning and purpose: Going for goals. – Wellbeing
  • Nonsense poems based on The Jabberwocky – non-chronological reports focused on Forces – English
  • Blues – Music
  • Painting (use of colour) – Art Days Thursday 4th and Friday 5th January 2024
  • Power Maths lessons will take place daily
  • GPS and RIC will take place three times a week



Term 2 Learning

Our second subject this year is: History. We will be recapping our general knowledge from previous years and building on it with a focus on the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. The children have been asked what they would like to learn about within this subject, they have thought of some interesting questions and we can’t wait to see where it takes us. Within this term we will also be learning about:


  • ‘If God is everywhere, why do we have places of worship?’ – Religious Education (RE)
  • Cross Country and Gymnastics – Physical Education (PE) Tuesday and Friday 
  • Online Safety – Computing
  • Stuffed Toys- Design Technology
  • Family and Relationships – Relationships Education (RSE)
  • People around me: Good friends – Wellbeing
  • Legends- Setting and character descriptions and newspaper articles – English
  • Power Maths lessons will take place daily
  • GPS and RIC will take place three times a week

There are many books about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings at local libraries. There are also lots of good websites which we will put on the Google Classroom so your child can continue their learning at home!


Term 1 Learning:

Our first subject this year is: Geography. We will be recapping our general knowledge from previous years and building on it with a focus on the continent of Africa. We will be focusing on South Africa in particular and looking at the physical and human geography of this country. Within this term we will also be learning about:


  • ‘Why do some people think God exists?’ – Religious Education (RE)
  • South and West Africa - Music
  • Football and Basketball – Physical Education (PE)
  • Online Safety – Computing
  • Family and Relationships – Relationships Education (RSE)
  • Wonderful Me! Taking responsibility for my feelings. – Wellbeing
  • Stories from another culture and non-chronological reports – English
  • Reading and Power Maths lessons will take place daily
  • GPS and RIC will take place three times a week



    Art Day Term 4 - Impressed printing inspired by Jen Hewett

    Term 1 Curriculum Letter

    Term 1 Spelling focus words

    Our School Council Representatives: Joe and Lexi

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