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Welcome to Jazz Class!

We are looking forward to a brilliant year together.

Say 'hello,' to the adults working in Jazz this year.

Important Information

  • PE is on Wednesday and Friday (children get changed in school)
  • Children need to read daily at home, please record this in your child's reading record
  • Phonics books need to be read at least 4 times a week, they will be changed on Fridays
  • Rewards will be given for regular reading

Term 5

Term 4

Art Day - Our final piece

Art Day - Creating a repeating pattern using a printing block in the style of Orla Kiely

Art Day - Printing in the style of Orla Kiely - Exploring block prints

Science - Everyday Materials - Sorting objects according to their properties

Science - Everyday Materials - Identifying properties of objects


World Book Day - Sharing books together.

World Book Day - Finished Wally finger puppets.

World Book Day - Making 'Where's Wally?' finger puppets using joining skills learnt in DT

World Book Day - Where's Wally?

Music - exploring dynamics and tempo.

Spring has arrived! Sketching and making chicks.

Naming capitals and recognising flags and landmarks of the UK

Using 'bossy verbs' and time adverbials to follow instructions.

Maths - Making doubles

Food from England and Wales - Bread and butter pudding and Welsh cakes

Using a puzzle map and an atlas to find the four countries of the UK

Term 3


30 Apple Treat - Hot chocolate, marshmallows and cream.........YUM!

Science - Classifying Animals

Maths - Ordering numbers to 20

DT - Our 'Monkey Puzzle' hand puppets

DT - Exploring joining when making hand puppets

Monkey Puzzle Story Walk

Art Day - Final Piece

Term 2

20 Apple Treat - Christmas Biscuit Making

Christmas Lego Challenge - Christmas trees and presents

Maths - Exploring Addition

Celebrating Remembrance Day

RSE - Exploring friendship through role play

English - Whole class cinquain poem about fireworks

English - Firework vocabulary

10 Apple Reward - Spider Doughnuts

Term 1



Term 1 Reading Reward Winners

English - The Three Little Pigs Story Walk

Exploring 'Part-whole' in maths

English - The Smartest Giant in Town Story Walk

Computing - following instructions (algorithms)

Autumn Art

Maths - exploring greater than and less than

Geography Field Trip - Exploring our local area

Geography - using a map to explore the school and follow directions

Computing - What is an algorithm? It is a set of instructions that need to be followed in the correct order. We arranged clothes in the correct order for getting dressed.

Geography - What is a map??

English - Rosie's Walk

'Happy birthday Bysing Wood!' From Jazz Class

Party Time!! Music, butterfly cakes, cheese and pineapple hedgehogs and jelly with dream topping and sprinkles! A proper 70's birthday party.

Making bunting, crowns and party food to celebrate 50 years of Bysing Wood.

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