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Term 3 Curriculum Letter - have a look what your child will be learning

Week 1, and we are immersed in Beegu, written by Alexis Deacon

We have been exploring further learning in our provision in the first week of 2025!

Science - Everyday Materials

The re-telling of Zog and the Flying Doctors by Julia Donaldson

Look at some of the Dragon's we have made in provision

We have begun investigating Shape in Maths

We made Stables in DT. They required 3 walls, an entrance, a roof and room for 3 people.

Our topic this term is: Geography – Our School and the Surrounding Area.

Art Days - Painting, using colour mixing in the style of Wassily Kandinsky

Maths - we have been counting forwards and backwards from any number within 10.

Rosie's Walk Reenactment

In maths this week, we have been comparing numbers

Reenactment of The Three Little Pigs

Character Descriptions

We used a map to hunt for answers around the school.

We have been using the Chrome Books to explore Google Earth in Geography

Some children have chosen to extend their own maths learning through our enhanced provision...

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