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The Department for Education published KS2 school level data for the 2022 to 2023 academic year in 14/12/2023. A summary of our data is found below.

Prior to this the requirement to publish data only extended to the 2018-2019 academic year because of the Covid impacted years.


Key Stage 2 Results:

July 2023

Progress scores for:

Reading   3.9  'Well above average' (This progress score is in the 95th percentile nationally)

Writing    0.9  'Average' (in line with national data)

Mathematics   0.0 'Average' (in line with national data)


Percentage of pupils reaching at least the expected standard in all of Reading, Writing and Maths: 54% (National 59%)

Percentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in all of Reading, Writing and Maths: 4%

Percentage of pupils reaching at least the expected standard in Reading: 82% (National 73%)

Percentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in Reading: 18%

Percentage of pupils reaching at least the expected standard in Writing 61% (National 71%)

Percentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in Writing: 7%

Percentage of pupils reaching at least the expected standard in Maths: 64% (National 73%)

Percentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in Maths: 4%

Average scaled score in Reading: 104

Average scaled score in Maths: 100


Historic Key Stage 2 Results:

July 2019

Progress scores for:

Reading   -0.4  

Writing    0.5 

Mathematics   -1.3  

All of our progress scores are in the 'National Average' band alongside roughly 2/3 of schools nationally.


Percentage of pupils reaching at least the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths: 32%


Percentage of pupils reaching the higher standard in Reading, Writing and Maths: 4%


Average scaled score in Reading & Maths: 99



Excerpt from our DfE school comparison page. Follow the link below this image for all of the published data.

Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. 

Latest Ofsted report


Opening summary


Dear Mr Harrison
Following my visit to the school on 28 February 2017, I write on behalf of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills to report the inspection findings. The visit was the first short inspection carried out since the school was judged to be good in February 2012.

  • This school continues to be good.
  • The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.
  • Since your appointment in 2013, you have provided strong and effective leadership. You have skilfully built a team of highly committed and enthusiastic staff, who share your vision of excellence for the school. Your work is valued by all. You and other leaders have created a nurturing, happy atmosphere across the school. Staff especially appreciate the support you give them and the time you invest in building their leadership skills. This has enabled other leaders to become more effective in driving forward improvement since the last inspection. Leaders of particular subjects or phases are playing a bigger part in monitoring teaching and providing guidance to help to improve it.
  • The impact of your strong leadership is evident in the improvements to progress and outcomes for current pupils. Leaders and staff have responded to the last inspection report well by improving pupils’ progress in reading in key stage 1. You have ensured that the teaching of early reading skills is consistently effective. Pupils who do not make rapid progress are identified quickly in order to receive excellent support from a well-trained team of teaching assistants. Standards have risen significantly in phonics since 2014 so that they are now above national averages at the end of Year 1. Standards are also rising in the early years.




  • The curriculum, which has evolved under your leadership, has resulted in pupils finding lessons interesting, being enthusiastic about homework tasks and excited about their learning. There are many times when they can write from first hand experiences, such as theatre visits, trips to art galleries or the school’s real-time bird watch. High-quality classroom displays celebrate pupils’ writing linked to history, geography, art and science projects. Leaders thoughtfully consider the interests, needs and concerns of pupils when planning the curriculum. Homework tasks on display, such as Mayan temples, demonstrate your success in encouraging parents to play an active part in their children’s education. The impact of this widening of pupils’ life experiences is seen in the quality and quantity of writing in books over time.
  • Pupils at the school feel safe. Staff’s vigilance and care for the individual was summed up by one pupil, who said, ‘Teachers listen to your needs. They sort out our problems quickly and fairly.’
  • Your determination and ambition has had a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning. The teaching of phonics and reading is good. You have ensured that they are taught systematically and regularly. As a result, there has been an improving trend over the last three years in the proportion of pupils who met the expected standard at the end of Year 1. Skilled and sensitive support means that pupils who are reading at levels below age-related expectations develop confidence and enjoy reading. Key stage 1 reading standards are substantially higher than at the time of the previous inspection.
  • Parents, staff and pupils say that behaviour is good. Systems to manage the very few, low-level incidents in classes are well established. The atmosphere in school is calm and purposeful. Pupils enthusiastically carry out important roles such as being house captains, sports crew and school councillors. You have introduced equipment for lunchtimes which the pupils love and it encourages all ages to play cooperatively.
  • Governors have a very accurate view of the strengths and areas the school needs to develop. They have developed systems, processes and skills to hold leaders to account. Governors engage in a range of useful monitoring and development activities, including, for example, how to interpret information about pupils’ performance. They share, with passion, your aspirational vision for the school. Governors value your strong leadership and empowerment of staff.


The complete report is found below.

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