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Chiffchaffs pre -school

Spring blossom pictures and flowers

Flower Artwork -

Springtime walk - noticing all the lovely flowers around the school

Outdoor Climbing, swinging and sliding on the wooden frame.

Using a pestle and mortar - making green minty playdough

sensory water play - investigating herbs.

Building our core strength muscles in PE.

Learning to look after our teeth Visit the dentist

We visited the school and met some people who help us.

Reading and Puzzles

Mark Making and patterns

Hopscotch - number recognition

Ice and cold, penguin art

Making and doing - Playtime

Fire work Paintings

Making marks and name writing

spider play

Happy Halloween!

Autumn Activities

Group work. speaking and listening.

Games, bikes and Trikes.

Expressive arts -

Mark making and painting

Welcome to Chiffchaffs Pre-School

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