Home Page


Welcome to Fiesta Class.

We are looking forward to a great year of learning.

The adults working in Year 3 are:

Mrs Springett - Class teacher

Mrs Smith, Mrs Booker, Miss Orminston - Teaching Assistants

Mrs Obrien - Intervention Teaching Assistant


Useful information:

  • PE lessons take place on a Monday afternoon. Children will need to bring in a full PE kit for these lessons
  • Please read with your child everyday and sign the reading record book daily
  • Water bottles to be brought into school daily containing water only

Term 1 - 50 Years of Bysing Wood

To end our week of celebrations, we had a fashion show. It was lots of fun to walk on the stage and show off our tie dye t-shirts and 70s outfits.

Term 1 - France

This terms geography learning has been about France. The children have been further developing their geographical skills and knowledge. Some children chose to complete some independent learning at home.

National Poetry Day

Habits Of The Hippopotamus by Arthur Guiterman

Phileas Fogg Drama Workshop

We had so much fun taking part in a fun drama workshop!

We are thoroughly enjoying our Stone Age learning! Yesterday we pretended to be children from the Stone age and created our very own cave art. We thought about what they might have drawn and why they did it.  

Christmas Fun!

Term 3 

Science Investigations - Light

It has been a very busy science term! We now know that dark is the absence of light, we have also tested reflective materials, found out how shadows are formed and how they change and the dangers of the sun.  

Shakespeare Workshop

The children had a memorable experience learning and reciting the very famous chant from Shakespeare's play, Macbeth. 


Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog...

Term 4

World Book Day 2024 - Where's Wally?

Easter - Christian Festival - Making bracelets to represent the Easter Story

Term 5

Science: Animals Including Humans - Health and Movement - Our Healthy Balanced Meals

Art day: Drawing! We drew a self-portrait and used cross hatching to add detail.

Term 6 

History: Ancient Greece 
Geography: Greece
Science: Earth and Space  

We've had 8 2 9 9 2 Visitors