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Percy the Park-keeper's shed .... there are lots of jobs for us to do now that spring has arrived. We have been sweeping, digging, planting and watering!

Springtime blossom creativity: We noticed that some trees have blossom appearing on their branches so we used cardboard and collage materials to create our own 3D models of trees which we decorated with blossom

Springtime! Bulbs, seeds and frogspawn!

Learning Map Term 4 2024

Measuring capacity: full, half-full and empty. The children explored different ways to compare capacity using a range of scoops and containers. We also used our understanding of 'full, half full and empty' to help us to make strawberry milkshakes for Comic Relief!

Maths : Measuring! Comparing 'longer than and shorter than, and using cubes to measure length and height.

People who help us

Big Garden Birdwatch

Happy days

Hot and cold places

Art Days - Eric Carle Artist watercolour painting

Continious provision

Power maths regognising 2d and 3d shapes in the environment.

Firework art and sparklers

Happy Halloween

Power Maths - Comparing groups within 5.

Learning to wash our hands . Look out for germs!

Jammin' in Santana!

We are learning to look after our teeth.

Essential letters and sounds Information for parents

Harder to read words

We are learning sounds and words. Have a go and say them at home.

Outdoor Play

Play and Learn

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